Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 19

Good Afternoon from Mexico! 

This week has been really good!  We taught 30 lessons this week and that is the most we have had so far.  

After going to the temple the bishop took us to  this market in the center of Monterrey!  We were walking down the street and then I saw a warehouse with a tiny door and we entered in.  I was a little scared about where we were going.  As we walked in the door it opened up to a huge indoor market like you would see in the movies with meat everywhere and food and just crazy things!  I thought I was in China!  It was so cool but very gross because there are no health laws!  the meat just sitting out!  We went to this one tent and they were selling goat!  We took a picture with the whole cooked goat and then bought it and ate it on the way out.  I had to try not to think about how many unwashed hands touched my food but it has been 5 days and I'm not sick yet so I'm not worried!  I'll send a picture!

We had stake conference this week and we have a new stake presidency!  Our bishop got called to be a counselor so we are going to have a new bishop.  

We went to eat at the house of a member se llama Hermana Meche.  She can talk so much!  and she is crazy but I say this in the most loving way but it is true!  She has a son who is an achoholic and they have a bad relationship.  She loves him so mcuh but doesn't know how to help him,so she has been going around the town talking bad about him to everyone so that he will feel bad and be humble.  We had a lesson with them after eating.  We taught them how to have a civilized conversaion without yelling and interrupting  each other.  The spirit was really strong and I think  that their relationship became better.  We pretty much were there directing their conversation.  It was anexperience  I won't forget!  I am definaty  being matured by seeing so many family problem!  The family is being attacked by the devil and I can testify of that because I see it every day, but our leaders have promised us if we as a family have daily scripture study and pray every night and noche de hogar every week we will not fall as a family.  

Dad it wasn't dangerous in the street when Mexico lost the soccer game but the people were sad and yes from everyone I heard about the game!  It was stake conference and it was amazing to see how many faithful members went.  There were so many people.  And yes it is very hot here but I will live if I drink water!

Love ELder Quist

​It rained so hard this week and the main street in my area became a 2 foot deep river!

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