Saturday, December 5, 2015

Week 96

Mom and Family,
Thanks for sending my that qoute from Camerons letter, it really helped me! "the secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is and not what you think it should be." This has been another good week!  This is transfers week so we are about to get really busy!  Wish me luck and sleep a little extra for me!  hahah.  
Yesterday we had exchanges in our area with our zone leaders and it was awesome.  We had an awesome lesson with Elisa and her cousin!  When we got there her cousin, who is 100% catholic as they say here, started asking a bunch of questions like if we could listen to music or dance or if we believed in Jesus Christ.  Sometimes after 2 years of listening to people ask questions like that it can get on the nerves because some people ask questions like that out of spite but we were able respond with love and patience.  Then we showed them the new video "A Savior is born"  and she completely changed.  We taught about the premortal life and the spirit was really strong!  When she had to leave she said that she was leaving with her jaw dropped.  She said that she was going to talked to Elisa later to talk about how good she felt!  We felt really blessed because Elisa doesn't have much support from her family. It was a blessing for her!  
Have a great week!  let me know about Carter and send my support and love to Willy.  Talk to you not this Saturday but the next!
Elder Quist

Week 95

  It sounds like you have had a great week.  What is better then being with family all week?...just one thing...being a missionary!  hahah.  Not to make you jealous or anything!  Thanksgiving was great, the food was really good and it reminded me of the united states but, nothing measures up the the Quist thanksgiving dinner.  After eating we followed with the same tradition that we have in the family and we all shared one thing that we were grateful for.  I said that I was grateful for my baby sister Abby.  Truthfully she is an amazing blessing.  These last 3 years have been full of suprises and blessing.  Although we have been far apart we have never been closer.  I think that we have been gifted with the two most powerful unifying experiences. 1. a New baby in the family 2. two missionaries serving missions and one preparing.  I think that we are more united then ever. and besides that Abby is that is why.  

That is awesome that you could be with Shelby for her Birthday!  I really liked the videos where Abby said Shelbys name!  Alex, you look so tall.  I like the Generations sweat shirts.  
I thought about it a little more and I am not interested in the block classes but I would like to talk a insitute class back at home.  But I will look into that.  

The mission has taught me to deal with and enjoy the ups and downs in life.  I am learning that we need the be grateful for the good times and the hard time.  For the ups, because we can enjoy the blessing of feeling the pure love the our Savior manisfested. And the downs, because they help us develop Christlike attributes.  James 1:5 is the very well know verse in the Christian community and even more so in the members of the Church of Jesus Christ but a verse less recognized but that has found a place in my heart as I have studied it and lived it is James 1:3-5.  Truthfully in english it is hard to understand but in spanish it is clearer to me!  2 Hermanos míos, tened por sumo gozo cuando os halléis en diversas pruebas,

 3 sabiendo que la prueba de vuestra fe produce paciencia..

The Literal translation or at least how it has been written in my heart is something like this.  "Brothers and Sisters, be joyful when you find yourself going through different trials, knowing that the trial of your faith produces patience."

I experienced this scripture just yesterday.  We were having a hard morning and I was in exchanges with Elder Monroy.  No one had let us in their house.  We got to the house of one of the most humble families that I have taught on my mission.  Family Suarez, Mario and Felipe are about 75 years old.  It is an older couple that lives in a very humble house.  Their front door is 2/3 my height..and yes, although slouching over, I still hit my head leaving the first night from the lesson.  They are very loving and grateful for our visits.  Yesterday morning we went by and saw the brother in his old, stained, white shirt and ragged jeans with fresh paint on his hands.  We asked us if he needed help and he humbly accepted our service.  We were lead to the back room and helped paint for 1 hour.  It was an amazing experience and a drastic change.  That room looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in 20 years.  There were 1000 year old daddy long legs that we cleaned out.  We finish and shook the Brothers hand before leaving.  As I shook his hand he didn't let go...I looked him as tears swelled up in his eyes.  In a broken voice he struggled to say the most sincere words that anyone has ever told me.."Thank you!".  That moment was one of the "ups" that I mentioned and oh how full my soul felt.  Two hours later we passed by their house heading to a members house.  Brother Suarez came running out of his house...what he said was both un-expected and saddening.  I ask him, "what happened?".  He looked at us with sadness in his eyes too and "you or your companion stole 1000 pesos from the room where you were painting."  Guided by the spirit, we calmly told him that it wasn't us and asked him what had happened."  He seemed nervous and unsure.  Quickly we realized that what they were saying was a scam that there daughter was trying to do. She had arrived just before be finished painting, and motivated by needs and dishonesty told her parents that she had a 1000 pesos that went missing trying to trick us into giving her 1000 pesos we don't have.  Her parents, do to their humility believed this lie and asked us if we had stolen it.  We went away, sadden by the effects this lie would have on Mario and Felipa. Later that night we saw Mario on the way to the house and asked him a few questions.  He admitted that he never knew that those 1000 pesos existed and by then had realized that his daughter had lied.  That experience is one of the "downs" that sometimes capture and limit our happiness.  But it doesn´t have to be that way.  We can be joyful in whichever different trail that we are going through is my testimony.  I give thanks for the opportunity to develop patience and love that the trial yesterday gave me.

Have a great week Family.  Enjoy the Christmas season because I am!:)

Elder Quist 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 94

Family and Friends,
So this week I am going to have a little more time to write so don't worry.  The next transfers are in 2 weeks.  Things are going smooth this transfer and I am feeling great!  It is awesome because we have been able to stay in our house a lot more because of the intercambios that we have in our area.  It is a blessing for me because we get to work in our area everyday.  And we are sleeping on our house 6 days a week.  Our house is 10 min in taxi from the mission offices and 30 minutes from the presidents house.  We don't go to the offices everyday,  we just have meetings on Monday but then we go in occasionally as needed.   President lives in the other mission, right next to the other mission Presidents house, we are actually going to eat Thanksgiving dinner in Presidents house, so that will be fun.  I am sure that it will remind me of home a lot.  My companion is really good.  He is more serious then Elder Cook but we are feeling good and we are very similar in Character.   

The other day we were able to have some amazing lessons with members.  I think that I have already told you but there are 2 members that are so great in our area. Hermano Robles and Hna Estefania.  They are like Alma and Amulek in the lessons. Remember Elisa and Elizabeth?  they are doing great and we have seen a lot of progress in them.  We had a lesson with Hermano Robles and Hna Estefania; Elizabeth started to cry.  It has been hard for her because her friends and extended family don't support her.  
Last night we were in a lesson and an investigator started to talk bad about Hno Robles. It made me really sad and to be honest it made me mad. It was the first time in my mission that I actually felt mad in a lesson.  I offended the investigator with some things that I said and right after I felt horrible and knew that I didn't listen to the spirit that told me to not say what I said.  I felt the desire to repent as quick as possible and asked forgiveness as soon as I could.  Thinking about it after it made me sad that, still, after so much time being a misisonary I could get mad.  but I am grateful for things like this because it helps be see how much I depend on the Lord and the spirit.  After getting mad I could hardly talk...there is a huge difference of teaching with the spirit, and without the spirit.  It was very obvious and I never want to let that happen again.

Well I think that is all for this week.  Thanks for everything Family.  You mean a lot to me.  Talk to you next week.  Have a good thanksgiving.  Say hi to the Quists for me.

Elder Quist  

Week 93

I was really bad at writing last week but I am sorry, I am going to be even worse today!  I am doing great and have been able to feel the spirit really strong lately!   Love you you mom, dad, alex and shelby.  I promise I will write more next week but I really do apricate your letters and the time that you take.  You are the best.  
Elder Quist

Alex- be careful driving

Week 92

This has been a busy week for us.  We are writting a little late today because we were busy all morning in some training meetings.  
Things went well this week!  I am happy and getting used to my new companion.  I am happy and we love our area!  I will write more next week.  but I love you all.  I am learning a lot and am very grateful lately.  One of the biggest things I am grateful for is the friends that I am making on the mission.  
Have a great week everyone.
Elder Quist

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 91

Well on Wednesday Elder Cook went home.  I was sad because he was truly a great companion!  We had an amazing 3 months working together and reflecting back on it I am so grateful.  
We have been sooo busy these last 7 days.  I have barely had a chance to stop and catch my breath but today is a great day to rest a little bit.  
So there are two stories that I would like to tell this week.  
#1.  Remember the story that I told about the family that we are teaching, the mom that had a kidney problem.  Yeah, so after I wrote about that story last week we were able to return and talk more about the experience.  She told us that when the doctor told her that she didn't have a defect in her kidney anymore she was so happy and told the doctor, "it must be the young men that are praying for me".  The doctor asked "which young men?" and she explain that she was listening to the LDS missionaries.  He proceded to tell her that he was LDS also and that she should keep listening.  So a few days later after praying for more direction in her life, she got a call from the Doctor. He had recieved the impression to call her but he didn't know why.  She took that as an answer:)

#2.  On Saturaday night the first counselor in the bishopric let us know that we were going to be asked to speak the next day, so I started to pray to know what the Lord wanted me to speak on.  In the morning I planned out that I was going to speak on following to spiritual impression to build faith and become aninstrument  in the hands of the Lord.  I thought about some of the many experiences that I have had in my life related to this theme, but then I started to think,  it does't matter what I have done in the past, It matters what I am doing now.  So I stopped thinking and started listen....only an hour before church started we were farther away from our church building because we had to stay in the offices the night before,  in that moment the impression came "don't take public transportation, walk to the church."  We didn't know why but we followed the impression and started what is at least a 45 min walk.  Not even 5 minute into the walk we saw a lady that looked lost.  She came up to us and asked us what church we were from, we responded and she said " I am looking for a church here close by that some handsome young men invited me to and gave me a beautiful book.  So, as she told us why she loved the Book of Mormon that the missionaries had given her, we walked back to the mission office with her which is the church building where the other missionaries go.  If we hadn't  listened to the spirit she would have given up, having already looked for 20-30 minutes. She was about to go home when we should up. just 40 minutes later I was able to share the experience with the ward in my talk and testify, that we are nothing but instruments in the hands of the Lord!  (1 Nefi 9:6)

My new companion is Elder Romero from ciudad de juarez chihuahua.  I am really excited for these next couple months.  I really am going to miss my old companion Elder Cook because we got along really well and he was a really fun missionary! Today we are not doing much because the past 7 days have been packed.  We are just cleaning our bedroom in the offices and then we are going to go back and clean up our house. To answer your questions, Monterrey barley got hit by the hurricane but it was rainny for a few days. 

 So this transfer the area presidency changed the way all the assistants in Mexico are going to do the intercambios with the zone leaders.  Instead of one of us going to their area and one of us staying in our area we are going to both work in our area.   That has the purpose of our area being the example area of the mission!  I feel really excited because we are going to see a lot more time in our area and help the people there more. We are going to have some baptsims coming up pretty soon.  I will let you know more as they get closer!

Love you family! hope you are doing as well as you sound!   
Elder Quist

Week 90

It's been a short time since I have written you but I am doing great as always. These last few days have been packed with good experiences.
1.  Sunday morning was we were walking to church a car passed by and stopped right next to us.  They rolled down the window and told us that they are a young couple from another stake and wanted us to visit the wife's sister.  That was a little miracle that we saw!  It was pretty awesome because they called us last night to set an appointment for saturday to go visit her with them(that almost never happens!)  we are excited to see what happens
2.  Remember I told you about the lady that we were teaching named Dora that was like my grandma here in Mexico!  yeah we are teaching her again!  I never wrote you again about her because she fell off the charts!  It was really sad actually because at first she wanted to be baptized and then her children from a different religion started talking bad about us and making her feel bad about listen to us so she backed out.  A week ago we found her in the park next to her house and put an appointment to teach again.  On the day of the appointment she told us that she doesn't doubt that what we share is true and she is now willing to do what she knows is the will of the Lord and put off her fears!  She told us that she just needed some time.  I´ll keep you updated about her.
3. One of the families that we are teaching is great, family Montemayor.  The mother of the Family had a some sort of disorder in her kidney a few years ago they did an operation  and put some sort of metal apparatus in her kidney but supposedly she still had the defect and she was going to have to go get an operation to get the apparatus out and fix the defect in her kidney...she was really scared and had a constant pain side.  We decided to pray and fast for her last sunday and two days later when went to her house she told us that a miracle had happened.  When she went to get her final check-up before the surgery and the doctor told her that he didn't know how but she didn't have the defect any more!  The was just going to have to have a small surgery to get the apparatus out.  She was so happy!  The power of fasting and prayer is real, try it.  
4. I went on intercambios to andalucia( my second area) .  I got to see the Sanchez family.  They are doing so great and passing through a lot a trials. Jonathan the oldest son( who works for Melisa and Pablo)  is doing amazing and talked to the bishop last week to see about his mission papers.  How grateful I am to be a part of this families life!  I love them so much and have formed an eternal friendship.  
5. Someone told me that I look like the little kid from "back to the future"
Love you friends and family. Tell Alex I love him and Abby too.  Have fun back in Idaho Shelby. 
Elder Quist

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 88

Mom and Dad,  
I really loved conference too and my ponderizing scripture last week was Timothy 4:12 because that is the one that the prophet shared, and I am not sure what my new one is going to be.  
So just to answer you question really quick, I am going to come home 20th of January but I do not know what time yet.    Yeah I have thought a little about how I am going to miss the whole semester and honestly there is a reason why.  I think that I am going to just wait and not go until spring.  I don't think that I am going to sign up for an online class but I will think about it.  I was just planning on coming home and working and serving and being with the family for a few months.  I think that will give me a good preparation for college.  
That is awesome for Alex about his birthday!  He must be really happy.  You are a great mom!  He and I are so lucky.  When I was reading your email I thought " WOW I am suprised that Mom didn't say, ´my little baby just turned 16, what am I going to do´"  But then I remember that your little baby has 15 years before she turns 16 so you and dad have a lot of time left!  I am sure that makes you feel happy and young like you are!  

This week has been great.  We have found a lot a new families. We are working with some amazing members lately.  There are 2 members that are helping especially.  One is Hno Robles, he is our ward mission leader!  He is an experienced, humble priesthood holder and has a lot of experience in life also.  We also have been working with a recent convert named Estefania.  I don't know if I told you the story with her but about 6 months ago I was in intercambios with Elder Fry, who was in this area before me.  Well we got an impression to knock a door and a 25 year old guy came out and said that he was about to eat dinner that he had prepared with his fiance.  So we asked him if we could come in and say a prayer for their food.  They were really kind and said that we could come back later.  I went back to by area and then heard nothing about them for 4 months until I talked to Elder Aguila who asked me if I remembered them because the guy´s sister got baptized.  She is Estefania.  Both of her parents passed away in the last 5 years.  She has so much faith!  She is the most converted recent convert that I have met in my mission!  Yeah, so when I came to this area I was really happy to see that through small and simple things great things come to pass.  So last night in exchanges we went and worked with Hno Robles and Estefania and the lessons were sooo powerful!  It was great because we had the experience and trust of hno Robles and the excitement and powerful testimony of the recent convert.  My companion and I felt like we were a powerful team.  We found a new family of 5 to teach last night because we follow an impression of the spirit to go to the house of an old contact we had!  The Mother of the Family broke down cry because she felt like we were sent from God to visit them.  They had been passing through hard times and need the gospel.  The love that I feel for the Families makes everything worth it!
I love you family!  
Elder Quist

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week 87

Happy revelation day,
I am touched in this moment for a few reasons!  First, a profound feeling of comfort given by the Holy Spirit has swept over me giving me a confirmation that the three new apostles are men called of God.  What a blessing.  Second and even more touching because of the spirit I felt in the talk of Elder Holland and Elder Bradly Foster who both talked about first the importance of Mothers and Second of Fathers. Elder Holland said To all of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ."  I not only want to thank all mothers but especially I want to thank you Mom.  The spirit of gratitude that filled my heart as I listened to the words of an apostle of Christ will be something that I will never forget!  Mom and Dad, you have shaped my soul, formed my character and with out a doubt showed the pure love of Christ.  But more important then what you have done is what you are doing every week with your letters, and every day with your prayers to bless my life.  I love you both!  Thank you.  

That was a cute video of abby! She is so cute. It was a good week!  We were really busy and on Wednesday I got really sick with a fever.  I got a blessing from my companion and all I can say is that every time my testimony of the power of the Priesthood becomes more and more firm.  So, I am doing better now and Sister Bird took good care of making sure I got better fast!  
I love you all so much,  I´ll be looking out for the family on the TV in the conference center tomorrow! 
Elder Quist   

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week 86

Hey Family,
Well here I am again.  It was great to read your letters again!  It always makes me happy to hear about all the great things that are happening back to home.  Especially Quinn going on a mission!  That is sick! You are right, he is going to be great missionary.  Good luck to the McCay family, because it is hard to let such a good kid go! hahha but don't get too sad when he goes.  
So this week I have been feeling very blessed!  We had 2 zone conferences this week and things are going really smooth.  It is nice being able to teach the same subject every time because we have been able to get the kinks out  and focus on what the spirit want us to change each time according to the missionaries needs.  So I don't know if I told you yet (I think I did)  but in my last area, valle hermoso,  the three investigators that were progressing got baptized within the next couple weeks.  Brandon, the 20 year old young that had aspergers,  he is now preparing to get the priesthood and progressing significantly.  Diana, the super chosen investigator that is the sister of another recent convert. And Jasmine,  a reference from a member that lived in the same street.  When Elder Fife went home I got to talk to him for a bit of time and he told me all about how everything went because I wasn't able to got back to see the baptismal services.  He said that everything was amazing.  I also recently talked to the sister missionaries in valle hermoso and they told me that Diana and Jasmine have been going out to do visits with them!  They did divisions the other day.  That made me so happy.  Diana said that she wants to serve a mission!  She is only 26 and I think that's still in the age range for sister missionaries!  That is such a miracle.  Moments when I hear about the progress that convert are still having that I have been able to be part of their conversion process, makes me so happy!  I recongize whose work this is.  He is all powerful and how grateful I am to be an instrument in His hands! #bestday.  Oh and and by the way Jonathan from the Family Sanchez is going to serve a mission!  He is an American citizen because he was born over there, so it is very probable that he gets called to a state side mission!  That would be sick so that he can learn English!  

But as for the investigators that we have right now, everything is going great!  We are teaching about 5 people that have a lot of potential to get baptized. 3 of them are members references, and the other 2 are contacts.  

One of the member references   His name is Roberto Quiñones.  He as been going to church on and off with his girlfriend who is a member with 2 kids (she got divorced).  He is about 30 years old and has never been married but they are soon going to get married. He seems like a very shy person but we have been trying to get him to open up to us by sharing our personal experiences with him and letting him express what he is feeling.  We have been able to tell recently that he was not totally open with us.  So a few days ago when we were talking about how he was feeling with his relationship with his Heavenly Father he told us that he felt good but confused.  We asked him why.  Though it was hard for him to express, he responded with another question "Elders,¿why do I feel peace and comfort when I pray sometimes and feel a huge emptiness in my soul in other times?  We asked him to explain what he thought, and he told us EVERYTHING.  In short he never felt the love and support from his parents.  Due to this, he has formed a dis-confidence in himself!  He feels like he is NEVER good enough.  As he talked about his past he broke down.  The spirit filled the room as a this child of God, bore the most deep feeling from his soul as a sacrifice surely worthy to the Lord of his repent soul. Many tears were shed.  He told us that never in his life had he felt full or good enough.  I tried to relate to him because I have felt some of the those same feelings but that is not good enough.  We bore our testimonies of the power of the atonement.  It is what filled me, and I know that it is going to fill that empty space in his soul.  The Power of the spirit is un-real.  
I am so grateful for the mission because it really allows me to keep my baptismal convent "to mourn with those that mourn,  to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort."  There is nothing more satisfying.  

I love you some much Family!  Have another great week!  
Love Elder Quist fbd

Week 85

Good afternoon family,  
Mom make sure that you are letting Abby get enough sleep, I am learning that it is really important, hahahah.  I am SO tired!  but don't worry mom,  I know that you are the best mother ever.  This week has gone great for my companion and I.  Last Sunday we had the opportunity to see the re-dedication of the temple in Mexico City.  It was such a spiritual experience. President Eyring and Elder Holland both were there (My two favorites).  So how is everyone doing this week?  How is Shelby doing?  What is she up to?  and Alex?  I want to hear from you Alex when you get a chance. 
Well things in our area have been pretty normal.  We are finding really good people and the members are really helping us.  I feel tired but great!  I have learned this week that our desires really determine what our success will be!  

Transfers went very smooth!  It was the first time that I participated with president in the transfers.  It was an awesome experience to see and learn from the revelation that he receives!  He really trust in the impressions of the spirit and does not doubt.  This was probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life!  It really was crazy and we had so much to get ready for the transfers.  On Tuesday morning there is a huge transfers meeting and all the missionaries that have transfers and their companion come to the offices with all their suitcases and we have to organize all of them!  Then we all go into the sacrament hall and the companions give their testimonies.  Then my companion and I announce the transfers in the whole mission and as we call them out they go and sit next to their new companions.  After that meeting we go straight into a training meeting for the new district leaders. Right after that we start another meeting for the new elders and sister that are going to be trainers.  So basically that whole day is just packed.  We then go into presidents office and update his board that has the organization of the whole mission with magnets.  That takes about 2 or 3 hours and then we head over to presidents house which is in the other mission to update his board in his office in his house.  By that time it is about 8:00pm and we start eating.  At that point we can start to relax!  It was pretty nice because we get to be with all missionaries that are finishing their missions the next day.  We were all sharing the funniest experiences that we have had in the mission!  I haven't  laughed so hard in a year and a half.  It was even better because a lot of them are good friends and I had 2 of my ex-companions their! Elder Astacio(la republica dominicana) who was my trainer.  I love him so much!  That was one of the hardest times of my mission but we took some time to remember together the good times and bad times!  I can tell that we have changed so much since then!  It was such a spiritual experience!  I also got the opportunity to talk with Elder Fife, who was my companion right before Elder Cook.  As I talked to him I noticed a change in my self.  I noticed that I loved him when just 6 months ago before I was his companion he was one of the missionaries that I wasn't to sure about.  That just goes to show that one can come to love anyone with enough prayer and service!  After dinner president takes the time to have a really spiritual devotional where all the missionaries that  go home share the most spiritual experiences that they had in the mission.  We get back to the offices at like 11:30 or 12:00  and have to get all the suitcases ready because the next morning we get up to go to the airport at 4:30am.  Then 2 days latter we had first zone conference, so we had to plan what we were going to train to the whole mission.  One down and 9 more to go.  haha Yep I feel pretty good but yes that week was hard and stressful but I am learning a lot!  but I do notice that I have grown. At least I am not scared to speak in front of 100 people anymore!
hahahhah dad That is funny about Trump!  and yes it is a very common occurance that we contact someone that asks us if we are Americans followed by the question...."yeah and what is up with the Trump guy, why does he hate Mexicans?"  They are all pretty upset.  So we just tell them that  we know nothing about that but that we do love Mexicans! haha
Love you dad and mom! Keep being the best! 
Elder Quist

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week 84

What a blessing it is to have Abby in the family, I bet she always keeps things interesting!  wow that makes me happy to hear that you are going to pave the road.  That will be very big change when I come back.  I approve! hahah.  Say bye to Quinn for me!  He is going to be great!  This week has been an exciting week!  It is the week before transfers and we are going to be really busy until the next week and then zone conferences start next transfer so we are going to be even more busy!  
So this week we had a cool adventure 2 days ago.  On tuesday night I was finsihing exchanges with a Elder Canalizo, one of the Zone leaders.  We were in my area and we called a taxi because we had to go all the way back to their house to swtich back to our companion.  It is usually a 45 minute taxi ride.  So the taxi got there and we got on the freeway!  Everything was normal and suddenly the hood of the taxi un-clipped and smashed into the windshild.  The taxi driver slams on his breaks and weaves through the traffic to get to the slow lane. We slowly came to a stop as semi-trucks were flying by.  We could only see through a little crack where the hood wasn't  blocking our view!  So we sat there in a complete stop in the slow lane due to the fact that there was no shoulder on the freeway, just a cliff and a river down below.  We got out of the taxi and made sure that the cars coming could see us.  We tied the hood of the car down just enough that we could get to the next pull off to be able to safely call another taxi.  We got there and payed the taxi driver.  We were waiting there for a few minutes and not one of the taxis stopped.  They usually don't stop on the freeway.  We had our hand out so a fuerza civil truck(that is like a federal police car) pulled to a stop.  They rolled down the window and asked us where we were going.  They told us to get in.  My companion looked at me and said "should we do it"  I got the impression that we shouldn't say no because I didn't want to deny the police! So we get in the back seat of the police car and just sat there in silence.  A feeling of fear came over me when I remembered all the stories of the mexican police turned bad. All the worst thoughts came to my mind but I won't mention them to not scare you mom! haha.  After a few minutes of silence the police man driving said,  and what were you doing on the the side of the freeway Elders.  I breathed a sigh of relief as he told us that he was a member from a ward in the west mission!  hahah.  So he took us all the way to the house and we had a nice personalized free ride.  The best part is that as we sat there on the side of the mexican freeway I was praying that we would make it back safe and find a safe taxi, that was the same moment when the fuerza civil stopped and picked us up!  I know that it was an answer to my prayers!  Who knows what could have happened with two missionaries on the side of the freeway but the Lord protected us!
We got to the zone leaders house safe and pulled up in a sweet new ride.  My companion and the other zone leader looked out the window and saw the truck and said "oh what did we do this time?"  then they saw us get out and were shocked! hahah

I love you all so much!  I am safe now!  don't worry!  Talk to you in a couple weeks!

Elder Quist

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Week 83

Mom and Dad,  just so you know that was not really in n out last week but the picture completed its purpose!  haha.  They wrap the hamburgers in what ever leftover paper and plastic there is!  and I guess they got the plastic that the ketchup is made of from in n out!  You asked about I was reproved for. Well President really didn't reprove me on anything big but just little things that are going to help me become more effective and disciplined as leader.  He is very direct about what we need to do better but it really helps!  
Well it makes me happy to hear that you are still having good fun back at home with the McCays.  I was worried when I left that you would get old too fast! hahah just kidding.  I know that Abby is keeping the family young!  I am definitely myself around my companions but you know me,  it takes me a little time to get comfortable around people I dont know but the mission is changing me!  Hey, tell Truly that I say congratulations.  I had not remembered that she was already engaged but I do'nt know if it is because I forgot or if nobody told me!  I think that I forget things really easily about things going on back home.  

This week has been a very busy week!  when we have consejo de liderazgo we are here in the offices a lot more, it is a little sad not to be in the area that much but I am so happy with the people that we are teaching in our area! They are awesome!  Also my companion from my last area told me that 3 of the investigators that were preparing to get baptized when I left valle hermoso already have gotten baptized.  My one transfer there paid off although I have not been able to be there for the baptisms but that doesn't' mater!  

We are teaching an investigators that is a mix between grandma Dorthy and grandma Cathy( athough no one can get up to there level and replace them for me but she gets pretty close;))  haha  she is 80 years old and she is the most choosen investigator that I have ever taught!  It is amazing how receptive she is to the spirit!  I love her so much!  There are few lesson in my whole mission that I have felt the spirit so strong as I have felt with her!  I will tell you about her next week but I feel so blessed!  
This transfer has gone by so fast and I feel great about it!  time is flying by and it makes me want to make the best of everyday!  

Have a great week family!  Talk to you next week!  Love you all.

Elder Quist

Week 82

Time seems to be flying by.  Like I have said from the beginning of my mission it is like a time warp.  But it is a great time warp.  It was good to hear about how the family is doing!  Mom, that is awesome that you are going to be a english teacher.  I could have never imagined that for me but I am jealous of Alex because he is going to have the best teacher!  I love the videos and pictures that you sent this week!  They were great.  Abby is so adorable.  Sometimes I tell people about by family  and about have a sister the is 19 months old.  They are usually pretty shocked! 

This week we had some awesome experiences again!  Two days ago we were having a rough morning and we could not find anyone.  At 6:00 we went to an appointment that we had set a couple hours before with a young adult that invited us to come back!  At about 4:00 we talked to him for the first time and he looked like a fresa kid but we contacted him and he said that he didn't have time to talk just then because he was eating with his girlfriend.  He was surprisingly very interested and I learned something very important in that moment, the character of someone is easily shown in the way that that treat other that they don't know in front of the people they love(family or friends).  When we taught him he was being taught by the spirit.  I also learned that the light of Christ is something really.  Although all his life he had been taught other ways of believing, within 15 minute of the influence of the Spirit, he started to recognize eternal spiritual truths.  That is our job as missionaries.  Help people feel and learn by the spirit so that the spirit can remind them of all things that they have know, truths from this life and truths from the life before.  

I went on exchanges to my old area, Sada Vidro and saw a lot of beloved members.  What a blessing was that for me!

My area is pretty much like my area sada vidro( my area when I was with Elder Juarez).  They are right next to each other.  It is 26 year old colonia(that is old for Monterrey)  so that means that most of the people there are older and have their traditions very rooted!(d&c 93:39)  but we are seeing mircales and the Lord has prepared many people!  My companion is sick!  He is from Idaho and he loves football, wakeboarding and basketball!  so I guess you could say we get along well!  President is awesome and with more responsiblities I feel like I make more mistakes.  It is very humbling and makes me realize how much I need the Lords help.  President Bird is so great, and is really great at leading.  He understands what Joseph Smith meant when he said "  Reproving betimes with sharpness, when moved upon by the Holy Ghost; and then showing forth afterwards an increase of love toward him whom thou hast reproved"   

That reproving really stings sometimes but without a doubt he shows me an increase of love after!  The baptism by fire sometimes feels like a real fire within but then the Holy Ghost comes and soothes that burning sensation after the needed effect takes place!  

Love you family!  have a great week!  

Elder Quist

P.S.  Mom although there is a lot of stress and hard times as a missionary, I am  actually surprised myself that I am not lying when I say that I am in peace and happiness always!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Week 80 & 81

Week 80
Well I need to get better at organizing my time now, I don't have very much time right now.

Mom and Dad,  thanks for your words of encouragement and support!  It has been really great and it was just what I needed!  You are great parents and what you said really is going to help me!

Well, although I have had less time in my area with the people I feel like the Lord is making the time that I do have in my area really worth while!  We have had a lot of spiritual experiences!  I would say this has to be the best time in my mission so far!  My companion is great!  We are having a great time together and working in alot of unity!  He is a great friend!  

Next week I promise I will send more and pictures but this is all for now !  I love you all so much!  You are the best family!  and Alex!  keep being an awesome example for me!  
Elder Quist

Week 81

I can not tell you how grateful I am to be able to hear from you every week!  You are the best parents.  Although I am not the best at dedicating my time to writing!  I think that the reason for that is that I do not like to be in-front of the computer.  It is probably because I have come to love the people here in Monterrey so much that I do not like the time that I am not able to be with the humble Regios(that is what the people from Monterrey are called). 

 This last couple weeks have gone by really fast!  This week we were able to have 3 exchanges!  I feel so blessed due to the amazing experiences that I am having every hour, day, and week!  Last week we were able to go on exchanges with a companionship of missionaries that I love and know well.  Elder Domgaard was in my district in the MTC.  I had the privilege to work with him!  We had a hard day, but just as it was hardest for young Joseph right before the first vision, we were able to have a glorious experience at the end a difficult day!  We arrived to the house of a recent convert family, as we started talking we got a sense that the Sister in the family was struggling with something!  Little by little we noticed that she felt sad and discouraged.  Just months after her baptism she started feeling a strong desire to have the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting.  So she started studying every day for 3 months straight to give the talk that she prepared!  One Sunday when she felt ready, not understanding the order of things in the church, she went up to the Bishop 15 minutes before sacrament meeting started and asked him if that day she could speak.  When the Bishop explained that the assignment to speak in sacrament meeting were given with more anticipation she took as if he was saying that SHE was not ready yet.  She went home discouraged and with the confidence the converts usually have in the missionaries, explained everything to us.  We tried to express our love for her in the best words we could but that was not enough.  Words will never be enough.  As I looked at that sister, who truly completed with requirement of having a broken heart and a contrite spirit, with tears streaming down her face I felt something that few times in my life I have felt.  In some unexplainable way the Lord allowed me to feel the same love the he felt for her in that moment.  That feeling made me remember the countless times in my life that I had, either vocally or in my mind (it is the same), complained about a talk or an assignment that the Lord had given me.  It made me want to be more like this humble lady.  She worried that she was not good enough after all her preparation.  She worried that she was not good enough in the eyes of the Lord!  Oh how blessed are the truly humble of heart.  That worry stems from a true desire to be worthy to be sealed in the temple with her family as she explained to us!  My desires are being purified and I hope to get to her level one day.  
This is why I love the mission!  

Things are going great Mom and Dad!  I will try to give you more details next week!  and maybe pictures but no promises!  haha.  I love you so much!

Elder Quist

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Week 79

This week I have remembered a quote that I think Janelle sent her first couple weeks in the mission.  It went something like this "Dont be afraid when the Lord asks you to jump off a cliff because one of two things will happen, he will catch you or he will teach you to fly!"  I feel like that Lord has to do a lot of catching because I am a pretty slow at learning!  

Another great week with which the Lord has blessed me within the mission!  I am with my new companion,  his name is Elder Cook!  He is from Rexburg Idaho.  We are getting along great and becoming good friends!  I know that you love a lot of information Mom, so I will tell you everything, haha.  We are in an area called America!  yeah it is sweet,  I am back in America the beautiful (that's the areas nickname from the mission).   I was sad to leave my old area!  I only had 6 weeks there and I was getting to love the people there.  Valle Hermoso had some great members and there I had more success with the members then I had ever had before.

I am going to miss some of the amazing  investigators that we had.  Brandon, Marcos, Nereida, Diana, Armadina  and Jasmin.  One of the greatest blessings of being a missionary to getting to know so many great people.  I am so happy and the Lord has blessed me so much!  Next week I will have more time to let you about more of the amazing families that I have met!
but thats all for now!  love you all so much!  have fun on the vacation!  

Elder Quist

Monday, August 3, 2015

Week 77 & 78

Week 77
Mom hope you had the best birthday!  the next birthday you have I will be there!   WOW  that is crazy that Michael Merrill  is married!  that is awesome!  
Our investigators are doing great!  I am so happy to see the miracles that the Lord is allowing me to see! This week we fasted with investigators and we saw miracles.  I got to go but I will tell you more next week!

Week 78
Well I don't have much time right now!  but I might write you a little later.
 I just wanted to let you know that I have transfers.  I don't know where I am going but I will know tomorrow!  We are in a little bit of a rush to pack because it was really unexpected but I just wanted to tell you mom and dad that i love you and we will talk soon!  

Love Elder Quist

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week 76

Mom and Dad! How are you both doing?  It sounds like you are doing better and better every week!  Love you both so much!  and I am so happy that I have the best family! HAPPPPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!  I have been thinking out you all week and I hope that you have a great birthday!   How old are you now? 29?  I loose count sometimes when you keep having more kids!  hahah well it guess it was just one!  

So where are you going on vaction to?  let me know how it goes!  

This week has been one of the bests!  On Tuesday I was able to give a few prieshood blessings.  I learned how powerful one can feel the Saviors love through the power of the holy priesthood.

Yesterday was a great day!  we were teaching a progressing investigator after church!  We taught lesson three.  After teaching about baptsim and the holy ghost we asked him if he would continue preparing to be bapotized!  He told us "I am already prepared!  He changed his baptismal date 2 week before it was scheduled for!
I have never been more excited to keep working hard! I think it is because I am becoming more of an instrument the in the Lords hands! 
This week I am going to focus on preparing myself each day to be filled with the spirit! Last week I accidentally woke up at 6:50 one day and 6:35 another! I need to be more exact with my obedience but what I am learning is not just to be exact but be exact and to have quality in what I do. What I am learning is that there is a reason for every standard and I am trying to not just live the standard but the reason also! I think that each persons reason is different according to what the spirit testifies to them! 

Love Elder Quist

Week 75

Hi Family!  How are you all doing?  Sometimes I forget about life back at home and how nice the united states is but then I see Cameron and his Pictures and I get jelous;) jajaj  not really.  I am happy here!  My new area is awesome!  It is a ward called Valle Hermoso in the Paradiso stake!(dont be deceived by the names, there is nothing hermoso about this valley and it sure is not a paradise)  I think that this is the poorest area that I have been in, but I love it!  The members are great and there is a lot of work!  I think that we are going to have a few baptism this transfer!  Well what else,  my house is yellow and 2 stories if those are the details that you want! jaja.  I dont really know what details you want to hear, maybe you can come back here one day but I dont think that would be the best idea for our safety!  just kidding mom.  I am safe here! (only because I am a missionary).
We had an awesome experience this week!  We were able to find a new family!  the parents seem a little lazy but the kids were intersed.  We left them with a book of mormon on the fist visit and then when we came back they said that they had read the chapter two times!  I was very suprised and I asked them why!  The mom said that her son was learning to read and kept asking her to read with him!  I asked her why she thought that he asked her to read it if he pobably wasnt usderstanding all of it or as much as a other childrens novel!  She realized that he was feeling somethinbg different.  The book of Mormon has power!
This week I could really feel the difference in the spirit I felt as I took the sacrament!  I had the opportunity to bless the sacrament and as I was breaking the bread some images flashed into my head of Christ bleeding from every pour, getting whipped and crowned with thorns and nailed in his palms and wrists to the cross.  It opened my eyes.  I was not just handling bread anymore but the body of Christ.  As I tore each little piece off I could imagined what Christ suffered for me and then it became personal for me!  I have blessed the sacrament over a hundred times but from now on I will never break the bread without feeling something of what he felt.

love you ELder Quist

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 74

2 Mondays ago, we called our old mission leader to see if he could come do visits with us my last day in the area!  He told us that he wasn't going to be able to but at the same time that we were talking on the phone, he passed by us in his car!  He stopped and explained why he wasn't going to be able to help us. He told us to get in his car so that we could go to his house and I could say goodbye to his family!  We got to his house and he and his wife hardly were talking!  They are recent converts and have the goal to get sealed in the temple but they have been having problems in their marriage.  The brother does not want to admit that they are not ready, he makes the excuse that he is waiting for his wife to prepare herself so that he doesn't feel bad.  But the only reason that she is not ready is because he blames her for the fact that they have not entered the temple!  She is struggling with depression and doesn't want to open up to her husband because when she trys to explain herself he just tells her ´´you just need to have more faith, stop being so weak´´ which makes her even more depressed.  Well we asked them if we could share a message and they said yes!  We talked about unity and how that was going to be the only way to reach their goals!  I asked the sister how she felt and she said that she was actually praying to have the opportuntiy to talk to her husband.  She knew that this was the moment!  We left their house and started a fast that her husband would be able to listen!

The next morning they told us that they talked and everything got better!  
Love you all.  I am doing great see you next week!
Elder Quist

Week 73

Well I am here in my new area!  My new companion is Elder Fife from Logan Utah!  He is awesome and this transfer is going to be sick!  I was so suprised and a little sad to leave my last area but I know these transfers were inspired and an answer to my prayers!  I Prayed a little bit a ago that the Lord would give me a challenge that would both strengthen my faith and help me purify my soul!  When they told us that I was getting transfer that was the first thing that came to my mind!  I thought ´´well here is the answer to my prayer´´ and it sure was!  This transfer is going to be a hard one.  On monday night I had the impression that I needed to fast to be able to accept the trial, not thinking about myself but in my new companion and how I was going to be able to help the new zone and area that I was going to.  When I got to the area I saw that the house was in pretty bad conditions and the area was struggling.  The area book hadn't been updated in a month or two and my companion was not very used to planning. Because I fasted I know that the Lord blessed me to see the new area not thinking in myself but in how I was going to be able to help others and give service.  I could see the house with potential and not just how dirty it was!  I know that fasting has power over our hearts and minds!  

There are 25 missionaries in our zone!  We have got a lot of work to do!

Well I got to go but I love you so much!  You are the best family ever!  Keep it up

Love ELder Quist

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 72

Happy Fathers Day Dad!  I was thinking about you yesterday.  We had a great day and it made it even better to be able think about all the great times that we had together before the mission and think about how great it going to be after!  I love you so much and can't express the gratitude that I feel for what you have done for me.  For being by my side physically and spiritually and in the good times and the hard times.  What a blessing you have been for me!  hope you had a great day I hope you could feel my love from here in Mexico!

Dad I can't believe you!  you were pulling for Lebron?  thats messed up!  steph curry is the best..

I am very suprised today.  Elder Aguila told us that I have transfers!  I was not expecting this,  I thought that my companion was going to be transferred because he has more time in the area then I do, but the Lord has his plans!  This is going to be my 4th area and 6th companion!  But enough about that!  I trust in the Lord and am willing to go where he wants me to go!  It is interesting that you mention the sabbath day Mom, although the Leaders here are not focusing on this (hahah, Mexico is a little lost when it comes to the sabbath day. ELder Juarez and I have been focusing on keeping the sabbath day holy with exactness. I have really seen a difference,  I have had more peace and have accepted the will of the Lord with more faith then ever.  As we have done this he as revealed more eternal truths in these 3 weeks, than for 18 years of my life I did not pay attention to because I was distracted!  

Yesterday we knocked on the door of a lady that looked tired physically and spiritually.  During an un-expected short conversation it became clear to ELder Juarez and I why.  Her husband and mother recently died within the same 10 month period!  She told us that she couldn't see a purpose of living anymore and had lost all hope. This poor lady thought it would be easier to just quit living.  In the sincerest way possible we tried to tell he how much God loves her and that there is always a purpose to keep living. It was hard for her to take, which is understandable ¿ how are the words, at least at first, of a 20 year old stranger from a differnt country  going to change a heart shaped by countless days of suffering and lonliness? It just isn't that easy. As we kept talking the spirit guided our converstation to the subject of faith.  I asked her the simple question " do you have fatih?" to which she responded " life has taught me that I don't need faith!" Looking her directly in the eyes I said " Maybe life has taught you that you don't need fatih but God teaches that faith is life!"  she paused for a moment and said "Maybe you are right" I saw a womans heart be softened by the words of the spirit. Maybe the words of a 20 year old from California can't change a heart but I am 100% sure that the words of the spirit are without limits!  Let us be intruments in the hands of the Lord!

Love you so much family!  I will let you know next week where I went in tranfers!

Elder Quist

Week 71

The time is going by so fast!  We ar eapproaching transfers again!  I can not believe it!  I think that this is the last week for my companion and I!  It has been a great 2 transfers and I feel very blessed!  We are seeing miracles!  I think that Elder Juarez is the companion that I have gotten along best with!  
We are teaching many families that are having problems.  For Example, hermana Rosa and her kids.  She is struggling a lot with her husband and money.  It has been really hard for her.  On wednesday we went to visit her and she was struggling more then ever!  It was so sad to see!  When we got there she was acting different, she told us a little bit latter that she was thinking about asking us to stop teaching her so she could fix all of he problems and then after they were all fix then she would go to church and prepare to be baptized!  We had a powerful lesson in wich we taught about the importance of trusting the Lord during our problems!  She understood, after the lesson we asked her and her family to kneel and pray with us!  She said the prayer and in her pray thanked the Lord sending us, the missionaries, she said that we are angels for her!  The power of the holy spirit to change peoples hearts is un-real!  

One thing that I learned this week is the importance of being obedient to the commandments.  In the mission people are very open and honest with us about their problems.  I have seen families being destroyed and hearts being broken and  every time it is for disobeience to the commandments! EVERY TIME!  Although most for the time we don't realize that the problems that we have are direct results of the disobedience to the commandments, THEY ARE!  It is so sad!  The Lord tells us in almost every chapter of the book of mormon  "if you keep my commandment you will prosper in the Land"  and may I add " and in your lives and in you familys and in you work and in you relationships and forever!  I know this is true

Love you family! You are the best!  Give a hug to Abby for me!

Love ELder Quist