Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 88

Mom and Dad,  
I really loved conference too and my ponderizing scripture last week was Timothy 4:12 because that is the one that the prophet shared, and I am not sure what my new one is going to be.  
So just to answer you question really quick, I am going to come home 20th of January but I do not know what time yet.    Yeah I have thought a little about how I am going to miss the whole semester and honestly there is a reason why.  I think that I am going to just wait and not go until spring.  I don't think that I am going to sign up for an online class but I will think about it.  I was just planning on coming home and working and serving and being with the family for a few months.  I think that will give me a good preparation for college.  
That is awesome for Alex about his birthday!  He must be really happy.  You are a great mom!  He and I are so lucky.  When I was reading your email I thought " WOW I am suprised that Mom didn't say, ´my little baby just turned 16, what am I going to do´"  But then I remember that your little baby has 15 years before she turns 16 so you and dad have a lot of time left!  I am sure that makes you feel happy and young like you are!  

This week has been great.  We have found a lot a new families. We are working with some amazing members lately.  There are 2 members that are helping especially.  One is Hno Robles, he is our ward mission leader!  He is an experienced, humble priesthood holder and has a lot of experience in life also.  We also have been working with a recent convert named Estefania.  I don't know if I told you the story with her but about 6 months ago I was in intercambios with Elder Fry, who was in this area before me.  Well we got an impression to knock a door and a 25 year old guy came out and said that he was about to eat dinner that he had prepared with his fiance.  So we asked him if we could come in and say a prayer for their food.  They were really kind and said that we could come back later.  I went back to by area and then heard nothing about them for 4 months until I talked to Elder Aguila who asked me if I remembered them because the guy´s sister got baptized.  She is Estefania.  Both of her parents passed away in the last 5 years.  She has so much faith!  She is the most converted recent convert that I have met in my mission!  Yeah, so when I came to this area I was really happy to see that through small and simple things great things come to pass.  So last night in exchanges we went and worked with Hno Robles and Estefania and the lessons were sooo powerful!  It was great because we had the experience and trust of hno Robles and the excitement and powerful testimony of the recent convert.  My companion and I felt like we were a powerful team.  We found a new family of 5 to teach last night because we follow an impression of the spirit to go to the house of an old contact we had!  The Mother of the Family broke down cry because she felt like we were sent from God to visit them.  They had been passing through hard times and need the gospel.  The love that I feel for the Families makes everything worth it!
I love you family!  
Elder Quist

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Week 87

Happy revelation day,
I am touched in this moment for a few reasons!  First, a profound feeling of comfort given by the Holy Spirit has swept over me giving me a confirmation that the three new apostles are men called of God.  What a blessing.  Second and even more touching because of the spirit I felt in the talk of Elder Holland and Elder Bradly Foster who both talked about first the importance of Mothers and Second of Fathers. Elder Holland said To all of our mothers everywhere, past, present, or future, I say, “Thank you for giving birth, for shaping souls, for forming character, and for demonstrating the pure love of Christ."  I not only want to thank all mothers but especially I want to thank you Mom.  The spirit of gratitude that filled my heart as I listened to the words of an apostle of Christ will be something that I will never forget!  Mom and Dad, you have shaped my soul, formed my character and with out a doubt showed the pure love of Christ.  But more important then what you have done is what you are doing every week with your letters, and every day with your prayers to bless my life.  I love you both!  Thank you.  

That was a cute video of abby! She is so cute. It was a good week!  We were really busy and on Wednesday I got really sick with a fever.  I got a blessing from my companion and all I can say is that every time my testimony of the power of the Priesthood becomes more and more firm.  So, I am doing better now and Sister Bird took good care of making sure I got better fast!  
I love you all so much,  I´ll be looking out for the family on the TV in the conference center tomorrow! 
Elder Quist   

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Week 86

Hey Family,
Well here I am again.  It was great to read your letters again!  It always makes me happy to hear about all the great things that are happening back to home.  Especially Quinn going on a mission!  That is sick! You are right, he is going to be great missionary.  Good luck to the McCay family, because it is hard to let such a good kid go! hahha but don't get too sad when he goes.  
So this week I have been feeling very blessed!  We had 2 zone conferences this week and things are going really smooth.  It is nice being able to teach the same subject every time because we have been able to get the kinks out  and focus on what the spirit want us to change each time according to the missionaries needs.  So I don't know if I told you yet (I think I did)  but in my last area, valle hermoso,  the three investigators that were progressing got baptized within the next couple weeks.  Brandon, the 20 year old young that had aspergers,  he is now preparing to get the priesthood and progressing significantly.  Diana, the super chosen investigator that is the sister of another recent convert. And Jasmine,  a reference from a member that lived in the same street.  When Elder Fife went home I got to talk to him for a bit of time and he told me all about how everything went because I wasn't able to got back to see the baptismal services.  He said that everything was amazing.  I also recently talked to the sister missionaries in valle hermoso and they told me that Diana and Jasmine have been going out to do visits with them!  They did divisions the other day.  That made me so happy.  Diana said that she wants to serve a mission!  She is only 26 and I think that's still in the age range for sister missionaries!  That is such a miracle.  Moments when I hear about the progress that convert are still having that I have been able to be part of their conversion process, makes me so happy!  I recongize whose work this is.  He is all powerful and how grateful I am to be an instrument in His hands! #bestday.  Oh and and by the way Jonathan from the Family Sanchez is going to serve a mission!  He is an American citizen because he was born over there, so it is very probable that he gets called to a state side mission!  That would be sick so that he can learn English!  

But as for the investigators that we have right now, everything is going great!  We are teaching about 5 people that have a lot of potential to get baptized. 3 of them are members references, and the other 2 are contacts.  

One of the member references   His name is Roberto QuiƱones.  He as been going to church on and off with his girlfriend who is a member with 2 kids (she got divorced).  He is about 30 years old and has never been married but they are soon going to get married. He seems like a very shy person but we have been trying to get him to open up to us by sharing our personal experiences with him and letting him express what he is feeling.  We have been able to tell recently that he was not totally open with us.  So a few days ago when we were talking about how he was feeling with his relationship with his Heavenly Father he told us that he felt good but confused.  We asked him why.  Though it was hard for him to express, he responded with another question "Elders,¿why do I feel peace and comfort when I pray sometimes and feel a huge emptiness in my soul in other times?  We asked him to explain what he thought, and he told us EVERYTHING.  In short he never felt the love and support from his parents.  Due to this, he has formed a dis-confidence in himself!  He feels like he is NEVER good enough.  As he talked about his past he broke down.  The spirit filled the room as a this child of God, bore the most deep feeling from his soul as a sacrifice surely worthy to the Lord of his repent soul. Many tears were shed.  He told us that never in his life had he felt full or good enough.  I tried to relate to him because I have felt some of the those same feelings but that is not good enough.  We bore our testimonies of the power of the atonement.  It is what filled me, and I know that it is going to fill that empty space in his soul.  The Power of the spirit is un-real.  
I am so grateful for the mission because it really allows me to keep my baptismal convent "to mourn with those that mourn,  to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort."  There is nothing more satisfying.  

I love you some much Family!  Have another great week!  
Love Elder Quist fbd

Week 85

Good afternoon family,  
Mom make sure that you are letting Abby get enough sleep, I am learning that it is really important, hahahah.  I am SO tired!  but don't worry mom,  I know that you are the best mother ever.  This week has gone great for my companion and I.  Last Sunday we had the opportunity to see the re-dedication of the temple in Mexico City.  It was such a spiritual experience. President Eyring and Elder Holland both were there (My two favorites).  So how is everyone doing this week?  How is Shelby doing?  What is she up to?  and Alex?  I want to hear from you Alex when you get a chance. 
Well things in our area have been pretty normal.  We are finding really good people and the members are really helping us.  I feel tired but great!  I have learned this week that our desires really determine what our success will be!  

Transfers went very smooth!  It was the first time that I participated with president in the transfers.  It was an awesome experience to see and learn from the revelation that he receives!  He really trust in the impressions of the spirit and does not doubt.  This was probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life!  It really was crazy and we had so much to get ready for the transfers.  On Tuesday morning there is a huge transfers meeting and all the missionaries that have transfers and their companion come to the offices with all their suitcases and we have to organize all of them!  Then we all go into the sacrament hall and the companions give their testimonies.  Then my companion and I announce the transfers in the whole mission and as we call them out they go and sit next to their new companions.  After that meeting we go straight into a training meeting for the new district leaders. Right after that we start another meeting for the new elders and sister that are going to be trainers.  So basically that whole day is just packed.  We then go into presidents office and update his board that has the organization of the whole mission with magnets.  That takes about 2 or 3 hours and then we head over to presidents house which is in the other mission to update his board in his office in his house.  By that time it is about 8:00pm and we start eating.  At that point we can start to relax!  It was pretty nice because we get to be with all missionaries that are finishing their missions the next day.  We were all sharing the funniest experiences that we have had in the mission!  I haven't  laughed so hard in a year and a half.  It was even better because a lot of them are good friends and I had 2 of my ex-companions their! Elder Astacio(la republica dominicana) who was my trainer.  I love him so much!  That was one of the hardest times of my mission but we took some time to remember together the good times and bad times!  I can tell that we have changed so much since then!  It was such a spiritual experience!  I also got the opportunity to talk with Elder Fife, who was my companion right before Elder Cook.  As I talked to him I noticed a change in my self.  I noticed that I loved him when just 6 months ago before I was his companion he was one of the missionaries that I wasn't to sure about.  That just goes to show that one can come to love anyone with enough prayer and service!  After dinner president takes the time to have a really spiritual devotional where all the missionaries that  go home share the most spiritual experiences that they had in the mission.  We get back to the offices at like 11:30 or 12:00  and have to get all the suitcases ready because the next morning we get up to go to the airport at 4:30am.  Then 2 days latter we had first zone conference, so we had to plan what we were going to train to the whole mission.  One down and 9 more to go.  haha Yep I feel pretty good but yes that week was hard and stressful but I am learning a lot!  but I do notice that I have grown. At least I am not scared to speak in front of 100 people anymore!
hahahhah dad That is funny about Trump!  and yes it is a very common occurance that we contact someone that asks us if we are Americans followed by the question...."yeah and what is up with the Trump guy, why does he hate Mexicans?"  They are all pretty upset.  So we just tell them that  we know nothing about that but that we do love Mexicans! haha
Love you dad and mom! Keep being the best! 
Elder Quist