Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week 76

Mom and Dad! How are you both doing?  It sounds like you are doing better and better every week!  Love you both so much!  and I am so happy that I have the best family! HAPPPPPPPYYYY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!!!!!  I have been thinking out you all week and I hope that you have a great birthday!   How old are you now? 29?  I loose count sometimes when you keep having more kids!  hahah well it guess it was just one!  

So where are you going on vaction to?  let me know how it goes!  

This week has been one of the bests!  On Tuesday I was able to give a few prieshood blessings.  I learned how powerful one can feel the Saviors love through the power of the holy priesthood.

Yesterday was a great day!  we were teaching a progressing investigator after church!  We taught lesson three.  After teaching about baptsim and the holy ghost we asked him if he would continue preparing to be bapotized!  He told us "I am already prepared!  He changed his baptismal date 2 week before it was scheduled for!
I have never been more excited to keep working hard! I think it is because I am becoming more of an instrument the in the Lords hands! 
This week I am going to focus on preparing myself each day to be filled with the spirit! Last week I accidentally woke up at 6:50 one day and 6:35 another! I need to be more exact with my obedience but what I am learning is not just to be exact but be exact and to have quality in what I do. What I am learning is that there is a reason for every standard and I am trying to not just live the standard but the reason also! I think that each persons reason is different according to what the spirit testifies to them! 

Love Elder Quist

Week 75

Hi Family!  How are you all doing?  Sometimes I forget about life back at home and how nice the united states is but then I see Cameron and his Pictures and I get jelous;) jajaj  not really.  I am happy here!  My new area is awesome!  It is a ward called Valle Hermoso in the Paradiso stake!(dont be deceived by the names, there is nothing hermoso about this valley and it sure is not a paradise)  I think that this is the poorest area that I have been in, but I love it!  The members are great and there is a lot of work!  I think that we are going to have a few baptism this transfer!  Well what else,  my house is yellow and 2 stories if those are the details that you want! jaja.  I dont really know what details you want to hear, maybe you can come back here one day but I dont think that would be the best idea for our safety!  just kidding mom.  I am safe here! (only because I am a missionary).
We had an awesome experience this week!  We were able to find a new family!  the parents seem a little lazy but the kids were intersed.  We left them with a book of mormon on the fist visit and then when we came back they said that they had read the chapter two times!  I was very suprised and I asked them why!  The mom said that her son was learning to read and kept asking her to read with him!  I asked her why she thought that he asked her to read it if he pobably wasnt usderstanding all of it or as much as a other childrens novel!  She realized that he was feeling somethinbg different.  The book of Mormon has power!
This week I could really feel the difference in the spirit I felt as I took the sacrament!  I had the opportunity to bless the sacrament and as I was breaking the bread some images flashed into my head of Christ bleeding from every pour, getting whipped and crowned with thorns and nailed in his palms and wrists to the cross.  It opened my eyes.  I was not just handling bread anymore but the body of Christ.  As I tore each little piece off I could imagined what Christ suffered for me and then it became personal for me!  I have blessed the sacrament over a hundred times but from now on I will never break the bread without feeling something of what he felt.

love you ELder Quist

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 74

2 Mondays ago, we called our old mission leader to see if he could come do visits with us my last day in the area!  He told us that he wasn't going to be able to but at the same time that we were talking on the phone, he passed by us in his car!  He stopped and explained why he wasn't going to be able to help us. He told us to get in his car so that we could go to his house and I could say goodbye to his family!  We got to his house and he and his wife hardly were talking!  They are recent converts and have the goal to get sealed in the temple but they have been having problems in their marriage.  The brother does not want to admit that they are not ready, he makes the excuse that he is waiting for his wife to prepare herself so that he doesn't feel bad.  But the only reason that she is not ready is because he blames her for the fact that they have not entered the temple!  She is struggling with depression and doesn't want to open up to her husband because when she trys to explain herself he just tells her ´´you just need to have more faith, stop being so weak´´ which makes her even more depressed.  Well we asked them if we could share a message and they said yes!  We talked about unity and how that was going to be the only way to reach their goals!  I asked the sister how she felt and she said that she was actually praying to have the opportuntiy to talk to her husband.  She knew that this was the moment!  We left their house and started a fast that her husband would be able to listen!

The next morning they told us that they talked and everything got better!  
Love you all.  I am doing great see you next week!
Elder Quist

Week 73

Well I am here in my new area!  My new companion is Elder Fife from Logan Utah!  He is awesome and this transfer is going to be sick!  I was so suprised and a little sad to leave my last area but I know these transfers were inspired and an answer to my prayers!  I Prayed a little bit a ago that the Lord would give me a challenge that would both strengthen my faith and help me purify my soul!  When they told us that I was getting transfer that was the first thing that came to my mind!  I thought ´´well here is the answer to my prayer´´ and it sure was!  This transfer is going to be a hard one.  On monday night I had the impression that I needed to fast to be able to accept the trial, not thinking about myself but in my new companion and how I was going to be able to help the new zone and area that I was going to.  When I got to the area I saw that the house was in pretty bad conditions and the area was struggling.  The area book hadn't been updated in a month or two and my companion was not very used to planning. Because I fasted I know that the Lord blessed me to see the new area not thinking in myself but in how I was going to be able to help others and give service.  I could see the house with potential and not just how dirty it was!  I know that fasting has power over our hearts and minds!  

There are 25 missionaries in our zone!  We have got a lot of work to do!

Well I got to go but I love you so much!  You are the best family ever!  Keep it up

Love ELder Quist