2 Tuesdays ago I was able to go the baptism of the Sanchex family! The church where I was is 1 hour from where I am now, so we went in a taxi. The whole ride in the car I was so happy and excited. We got there and the teenage boys of the family where waiting out side, Jose and Johnathan. I got out of the car and they gave me a hug and I was so happy to see them. I asked them how they were doing and they said they were great and ready for the baptism, but Johnathon said "Elder Quist there is some bad news. My dad came and dropped us off but he didn't stay because he got stressed and started drinking. Who knows if he will come back. I got so sad. My heart ached because I knew everything that he had left behind to make this amazing change in his life. He used to smoke crack and sell. He changed everything and I couldn't believe that a little alcohol was going to change all that. We walked in the church and I saw Melisa my convert from Metro ( my first area) and her husband Pablo that knows the family Sanchez. That made me happy, but I was still so sad. Everyone was sad too but we were going to continue with the baptism. Just then I saw a door crack open and Hermamo Sanchez was hiding to trick me. I can not express the joy that I felt. Everyone that I loved was there. 2 of my old companions Elder Morris and Elder Astacio and the whole Sanchez family, not to mention Melisa and Pablo and thier new baby. I can not express how full of joy I was that night. One of the best nights of my life. I will send a picture next week.
We had an awesome spiritual experience last week finding new investigators. Remind me to tell you that one next week.
Love you all, I am happier then ever!
Love eLder Quist