Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 29

The new Elders in the ward are way cool.  They divided our area in half so now our area is alot smaller.  It is nice not to walk so much but we lost alot of our progressing investigators...well I wouldnt say lost but we had to hand them over to the Elders.  It is sad not to be able to visit them anymore but i know that they are good hands.  Elder Shakespeare and Elder Oyola are the new missionaries in our ward!  Elder shakepeare in from southern utah. he is way cool!  he is really good a american football and was going to go and play football for the university of utah because he got a scholarship to play there but he dicided not too. He is really shy and timid for a big football player.  It is funny to see his precetion of mexico because I was just in his shoes 6 months ago but now I am completely acostumed to the mexican life.  The new elders are sleeping on the floor in our house so everything is pretty hectic but it is fun.  

That is such an awesome quote that you sent me "Love God and He will enable you to love others even when the disappoint you". It was perfectly inspired for me this week!  I need to love the Lord more so that I can show more love for my companion.  It is really hard sometimes because he never wants to talk about things that we can do better.  It is hard being a trainer but I know the Lord wants me to learn to be more patient with him when he is disobedient and be able to show my love for him no matter what he does.  Sometimes I am really direct with him and I think that I know what is best, so I try to control him, but that is just the pride that is in me and I am learning to be humble.  But really I do love my companion so much and we have sooo much fun together working really hard.

Yesterday we taught one of our investigators a 9 year old kid named Axel!  He is a part member family and he is sooo funny!  We found him because our recent convert Lizbet who is also 9 years old told us that we could visit her neighbors.  We usually teach Axel in the house of Lizbeth.  Usually lizbeth is at school when we teach Axel, but yesterday was Sunday so we planned to teach Axel with Lizbeth present so she could share the feelings she felt when she was baptized.  She got sooo excited and couldn't stop asking when we were going to teach Axel!  So when we got to her house with Axel before we could sit down and say a prayer she started sharing the scripture that she wanted to share.  We let her calm down and then said the prayer.  After she went off again with reading random scripture in the book of mormon and trying to make sense of them!  Axel just sat there listening really intently and the father of Lizbeth was busting up laughing the whole time because after everything Lizbeth said she would say, "and I share these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen!"  She said that like 5 times in the lesson!  After she was done, my campanion and I shared a short message  and then Axel started in saying " well Lizbeth I would like to share something with you too...and he started saying something like the moon helps us to pray to God and then he shared it in the name of Jesus Christ amen.  Then Lizbeth started to share another scripture and shared it in the name of Jesus Christ amen!  By this point my campanion and I were laughing pretty hard too...  It was so funny to just see them, two kids, bible bashing with the book of mormon not even knowing what they were saying.  And then to finish it off, Axel said "brothers,  are you going to be in the street at 10:00 because there is going to be a meteor shower.  I just wanted to share that with you. and then the Dad of Lizbeth said " and are you going to share it in the name of Jesus Christ? "   

Well other then that the week was really good!  We are going to change houses this week so it is going to be really busy but I am so excited to be here in Mexico and to be learning and growing so much!  

I know my Savior lives!  When I pray fevently He answers my prays in the best way for me! 

Love you!!

Elder Quist

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