Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Week 12

I am so glad that I got to talk to you yesterday!  It was such a good experience and I feel so grateful to have such a strong family in the gospel!  It is amazing to see how much closer I feel to you mom and dad, Alex, Shelby and Cam being so far away!  But I really know that the Lord is blessing us in every aspect of our lives.  I felt those blessing when Shelby left and I feel them even more strongly right now!  SO Monday we went to climb the(huge mountain) Cerro de la Cilla!  We woke up at 4am and hiked mostly all the day ( that is why there was no letter last week sorry) It was so amazing!  Like I said I really haven't  been in a cooler place in my life!  With the monkeys running around and being able to see the city from so high up and mountains that went on forever was amazing!  We had so many good times as a zone!  I feel a lot closer to the elders and all of the missionaries in the zone!  It was a 3 hour hike up and 3 hours down and surprisingly I was not tired at all going up but going down was so hard!  Another elder and I walk backward almost half the way down!  It sounds crazy but try it sometime!  It really does feel better on the feet and the legs when the hill is so steep!  I am sure we looked ridiculous but it was worth it!  
Sometimes I start to feel better with my Spanish and then I get humbled by someone that can't understand a word I say! hahah...but really I am so grateful for the hard time is the mission to humble me!  
So yesterday after talking to you, we got right back to work!  (oh and by the way sorry for crying a little bit! I really am not sad at all...I was so happy to see you all.  I don't miss home very much because I am so busy, but really I only cried a little bit because how can a son watch his mom cry without crying! )  
We went to teach a menos activo right after and had such a spiritual lesson!  We talked to the family about how we just talked to our families.  Then we shared a message.  It was probably the most powerful lesson we have had and more then anything I feel so grateul for what I learned in those 20 minutes!  Everytime I teach I learn more then my investigators learn.  I feel so blessed to be a missionary and a repersentative of Jesus Chist! I feel the guidance of the spirit in every lesson and the words I say are directed by the Holy Spirit. They are not my words and this is exactly why I feel like I learn so much in our lessons. What better way to learn then to have the words of the Lord (in another language)  come to my mind and share my testimony of this witness with the sons and daughters of God!  I feel so blessed and like elder Hatch said, the mission is really a selfish time in which we learn and grow so much!  
Thanks so much for talking to me yesterday. I feel so inspired by your words and more then anything, so inspired by who you are mom dad alex shelby and cameron!  You are all inspirations to me and help me work harder everyday!  I love you so much Alex and don't worry I know  it is hard to talk when you miss someone so much!  But don't focus on how much you miss Shelby and I...focus on how grateful we should be to our Father in Heaven for the amazing relationships we have!  

Love elder Quist

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